Root Canal Therapy

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

When a patient arrives with an infected tooth, root canal therapy can save a precious tooth from extraction. Sometimes an infection can be present even if there is no discomfort. Root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) is necessary when the nerve of a tooth becomes damaged from decay, trauma, or a crack in the tooth, and a conventional restoration cannot treat the problem.

While the patient is under a local anesthetic, we remove the diseased nerve within the tooth. A tooth can have one to four canals, and all of the canals must receive treatment. After we remove the nerve, we pack the canal with a root canal filling to prevent further invasion of bacteria. Depending on the extent of the infection, more than one visit may be necessary. Following the treatment, patients may need only simple analgesics, and we might prescribe antibiotics if an infection is present.

After the Root Canal

Root canal therapy is one of the specialty services we offer at our practice, and we have a high degree of success, although we cannot always save the tooth. Following a root canal, the sealed tooth requires a permanent restoration, such as a dental crown. This restoration provides strength and protection for the affected tooth. After all the work is completed, you may have some minor sensitivity. However, in a short time, your restored tooth will be virtually indistinguishable from the natural teeth and can be used normally when eating.

Have Symptoms?

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of an infection (such as a painful, throbbing, or sensitive tooth), please don’t hesitate to contact our office for an examination!