Man with Dentures Eating an AppleDentures are one of those subjects where so much information is passed around and so little is really understood.

Popular wisdom has it that only the first set of dentures fit properly. That’s only partially true. They tend to feel best because the gum ridges have not yet receded. But we can now re-fit new dentures that look and feel just as good as the original.

Denture fit depends largely on the health of the gums. That’s why we recommend you see us at least once a year for a denture check-up.

Denture adhesives? At best, a band-aid solution. Our office can do better than that.

And no, overuse of your denture doesn’t cause it to wobble. That’s a result of changes in the mouth, largely the natural shrinkage of gum tissue and bone. Again—we can help! Please call us at 408-532-0435 to make an appointment.